Thursday, 6 March 2014

'Kids React to Gay Marriage'

I chose to look at a video entitled ‘Kids React to Gay Marriage’ made by TheFineBros, Benny and Rafi Fine, two brothers who are online producers, writers, and directors who are known for their successful ‘React’ videos and have been creating content online since 2004.

In said episode TheFineBros interviews thirteen children between the ages of five and thirteen from California who discuss the sensitive subject of same-sex marriage within the United States. The video notes, “The opinions of children about these issues can give incredibly valuable insight into where our society currently stands and where we are headed as people. It's important to discuss these topics openly in hopes of a better tomorrow through dialogue and conversation." The video begins with the kids watching two different viral videos of same-sex marriage proposals and then a Q&A about their opinions about marriage equality.

Most of the children’s reactions to the videos and the concept of gay marriage are positive and hopeful, which suggests that with this view towards rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans, there’s the possibility that the issues involved could be dissolved for the next generation. Although the video does not give an explicit stance on the issue of gay or lesbian identity in the United States, I think one can assume that the video is pro-LGBT.

Therefore, I think the video depicts that issues with gay and lesbian identity are definitely not what they once were as the video promotes the view that we should be accepting of the LGBT community and support equal rights for everyone. As one child states, “If one person should be able to do something then everybody else should be able to do it." 

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