Wednesday, 26 February 2014

CWA (Concerned Women for America)

I chose the website CWA (Concerned Women for America) as a company who is devoted to women issues that originated in 1979 in San Diego, California.
Although the website claims that it is for women issues and fights for the feminist movement, I believe many would disagree with their interpretation of feminism because of the morals and beliefs the organisation promotes. The website states that their mission is “…for women and like-minded men, from all walks of life, to come together and protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens — first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society — thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation.” The website then goes on to state their seven core issues which cover the sanctity of life, defence of family, education, religious liberty, national sovereignty, sexual exploitation, and support for Israel.  
The founder and chairman of the organisation, Beverly LaHaye, refers to an interview on television between Barbara Walters and Betty Friedan; “Realizing that Friedan claimed to speak for the women of America, Beverly LaHaye was stirred to action. She knew the feminists’ anti-God, anti-family rhetoric did not represent her beliefs, nor those of the vast majority of women.” Judging by this quote, I think the views on issues that are expressed by this website would be perceived as highly debatable in reference to feminism.

The general perception of feminism is that it is for the women’s freedom and opportunities, not to further restrict and delegate which rights women are allowed to have, an example of this on the website is the debate amongst abortion, the website states “CWA supports the protection of all innocent human life from conception until natural death. We also support alternatives to abortion and healing for mothers suffering from the results of abortion.” Which clearly affects women’s rights of her body and what happens to her body. Thus, speaking from a typical feminist perspective I would adamantly disagree with the attitude that the CWA expresses towards women and women’s rights and would find them to be unsupportive of the feminist movement.

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