Thursday, 23 January 2014

K-12 Web Project on Immigration

The K-12 web project based on immigration I chose to look at is from Walworth Jt. District #1, Walworth, Wisconsin. The school has created a task in order for its students to gain an understanding of what it was like for people who immigrated to America during the years 1890 to 1920.

The project consists of four sections; A Timeline, A Boy’s Journey, Tours of Ellis Island, and An Immigrant’s Friendly Letter. The task explains that the students are to create a timeline of American immigration, read and listen to first-hand accounts of what it was like to immigrate to America, read a story about a young boy named Seymour Rechtzeit who left Poland to journey to America in 1920, and to create a fictional immigrant and write a friendly letter to a person living in the country that they emigrated from in order to explain what it was like to immigrate to America during the years 1890-1920.

The project allows the students to grasp a full understanding and appreciation of immigration into America during said time. Certain aspects of the project, such as the story ‘A Boy’s Journey’, is introduced to further increase their knowledge in a way that is more personal and relevant to the students since the story is about a boy around the same age as themselves.

The project concludes on describing America as ‘a true “melting pot”. We are a country rich in ideas, tradition, and customs, which have come from the thousands of immigrants who have made the journey to America.’ Thus, the students concluded from the project that they perceive America as not so much like the salad bowl or the Tapestry-Mosaic, but the more traditional notion of a cultural melting pot with a homogeneous society.

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